Monday, December 10, 2012

Heard it From a Friend

Heard it from a friend who,
heard it from a friend who,
Heard it from another.....

Patrice at Everyday Rurality recently put up a post about Maggie. It seems that one of her friends, Kimberly, is spearheading a project to get lots of Christmas cards sent to Maggie.

Maggie is battling cancer. She has Wilm's tumor, a type of kidney cancer. Maggie has undergone many surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation. Several years ago a colleague of mine lost his granddaughter to Wilm's, and I know another little boy who lost his battle with Wilm's. I would love to see Maggie kick this cancer in the butt! Maybe a ton of Christmas cards, well wishes and prayers will help.

If you have a minute, and an extra Christmas card... or if you have a few minutes to make a card... or if you have a child who would like to color a picture for Maggie, please visit Kimberly's Korner to  contact Kimberly and get her email address. Contact her and she will send you her own snail mail address. Kimberly is collecting the cards and sending them to Maggie's mother, who will hand deliver the cards to Maggie. Kimberly's goal is 50 cards. Heck... we could do that in a skinny minute, right?!

My card is on its way!

Let me know if you send a greeting to Maggie, and I'll put your name in the hat for the Tropical Traditions coconut oil giveaway, if you have signed up for the Tropical Traditions newsletter... that is a requirement from TT for the giveaway.


  1. I sent her a card today! I was sitting outside my daughters' music lessons when I realized that I was carrying the card, envelope stamped and all, in my purse. I'd forgotten to go to the post office. Only seconds late, a mailman walked by on his foot route. I exited my vehicle and chased him down. He probably thought- what is this crazy woman doing. Well- I caught him and my card is on its way. Three of my daughters are participating too. Sign me up for the coconut oil. I love the stuff!

  2. I hope she is flooded with cards..I emailed Kim for her address.. I read about it over at Maple Lane..Thanks for helping to get the word out:)

  3. I'm going to send her a card too, I just emailed for the address. A little late, but I hope she gets a ton of them.


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