Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Universal Habits

Pippin has a thing about halters and bridles. 

He likes the challenge of taking them off!
Isn't he cute?

Shyloh seems to have the same habit.

She can be found on Adventures with Shyloh.

Randy also works at shedding his halter or bridle.

That's his bridle hanging from the nose band of his halter. Randy is the Haffie at the therapeutic riding program where I volunteer. A friend of mine was tacking Randy up the other day. She stepped out of the stall, and returned to find Randy, looking just a bit miffed that he hadn't been able to escape. Or, perhaps Randy is saying, "I have no idea how my bridle ended up this way!"

I guess it is just a universal Haffie habit!


  1. LOL, I guess Kaspin didn't catch this game:)

  2. could be...aggravating but precious.

  3. The game around here is "let's take Paj's fly mask off", which all the horses think is great fun. Except for Paj, who says "come on guys, give me a break"!

  4. Ahhh, Pippin. What a cutie. I think he was making a fashion statement. Haffies have fashion flare.

  5. So silly! I thought Shy might pull out of her halter today, I am so glad she didn't!
    Randy is soo fuzzy!

  6. I think it is something they do all share!

  7. They are all lovely. Shyloh looks so cools. I think that's the thing that all horses have in common.

  8. Ha, to cute. Camryn doesn't "usually" do the halter thing, though she has. Her thing is removing her fly mask. I've witnessed it, just amazing how quickly she can remove it with just one accurate rub!

  9. That first picture of Pippin is so cute!! Haffies are adorable.

  10. Your horses are so pretty! And Pippin is definitely a cutie!


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