Saturday, October 22, 2011

Meet the New Mouser

Mama Boots.....
You have competition!

I found this Plains Garter snake on 
the doormat in the garage.

Looks like we have one less mouse around the house!


  1. Garter snakes are great mousers! Snakes are cool and good predators. When I was about 8 years old, I brought a garter snake home. My mother didn't bat an eye and I was able to keep him for a few days before she convinced me that he would be much happier out in the grass with his friends. ;-)

  2. I've never seen a snake on our property - a garter snake would be most welcome.

  3. I prefer unseen snakes thanks. My brothers used to throw garter snakes at me, and I have had an aversion to them ever since. Nice mouse-sized lump though.

  4. Very pretty snake. I could use one in my potting shed.

    Cindy Bee

  5. We have snakes, but I never see ones that I recognize as harmless. We have copperheads and ones that look like copperheads, and I avoid them all.

  6. Wow! At first I thought you were going to say that someone stepped on it. Pretty snake.

  7. At first I wasn't catching on to your comment about the mouse... but THEN I see, you are probably right about that! At least garter snakes are harmless...

  8. It's a beauty! I love garter snakes. When I find one, I take it to the garden.

  9. I like garter snakes. My brother caught one when I was a kid and we tried to keep it in a shoebox, but it wouldn't eat the dead flies we served it, so we let it go.

  10. Very cool. . . is it wrong to feel kinda bad for the mouse, though?

  11. Lucky thing. Fewer mice is always a good thing, though, I do have to admit that I always get a case of the "awwwwww's" when I see one. They're such cute little nuisances.


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