Monday, October 17, 2011


Pippin and Doc had a 'hayday' today. 
They were let out on a new pasture. 
The front part of our 'yard' extends over 
400 feet from the house to the road. 
This area is surrounded by fencing except in front of our house.
It was easy to put up temporary 
electric fencing to close up that one side.

The blue line is the electric fence.
The red line is existing fence.
After I strung the electric wire I ground drove
each horse around the new pasture so they were aware
of the boundaries. That was great fun!

They boys enjoyed munching on green grass under the trees!
They give their new pasture two hooves up!



  1. Apologies to Deanna, Susan, Jeni, Allison and Terry. I made some changes and lost your comments. I do appreciate what you had to say, however!
    Yes, the boys were thrilled to be in their new pasture... and as for having some Haffie mares show up? They'd really feel like they were in heaven, then!

  2. Mine work at the gate as a day Charme was lifting the gate, Magic pawing it, Knot had the chain in his mouth and Arrow helping move that chain...I have to clip it now.

  3. PS: I have an open Haflinger mare...just saying...

  4. I am going to hop on Shy and make our way to see Pippin and Doc. . .how long from Michigan do you think it will take to get there? :D

    Gail, the more the "mare"ier. Too cheesy? lol

  5. OK, Allison.... hmm 1300 miles. 9 days ought to do it. Oh, bring my friend from Royal Oak with you!

  6. How fun for the boys, a new insty grassy pasture!

  7. An extra pasture. How great is that?!

    And best part for you is being able to look out your front windows and see two cute, happy ponies in your front yard :)


  8. 9 days, huh? wouldn't a cross country trip on the haffies be fun!

  9. And Royal Oak is only about 30 mins from me!


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