Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fence Follies #2

I recently read an article about riding that suggested you always ride with a purpose. The horse can sense that purpose and will have a 'going to work' attitude. So, after some foundational exercises in the round pen with Doc I decided to go 'ride the fence line'. I explained to Doc, who was concerned that Pippin was left behind, that we had a very important job to do. We had to check the pasture fence for breaks. This is a job that real ranch horses get to do.

They say attitude is everything and that you really can control things with 'mind over matter'. But geesh... I didn't expect that to work with fences. Wouldn't you know, within 400 feet of the barn, down a steep hill and out of sight of the house, we came across a broken strand of the fence separating the boys from the neighbor's horses.  Not only was the top wire down and pulled away from the fence for at least 800 feet,

but a fence post was broken as well! 
Doc and I finished our task. A job well-done for we had, indeed, discovered problems with our fence. My plans for the day changed, just like that! Hubby's plans for the day changed, too!

Pippin felt a bit left out. He didn't get to do an important job like riding the fence line. So, he found other ways to help out:
You might want to hit the staple instead of your fingers...

 What do fence pliers look like?

That's looking really good. Glad I could help you!


  1. Doc earned his dinner that day! And Pippin is a good supervisor. But good thing you and Doc found the broken fence before Pippin and Doc found it together. They might not have been as quick to fix it.

  2. I read something similar about riding with a purpose!
    Good job to Doc for helping with the fence!
    And Pippin looks like he did a good job "helping."

  3. Doc's a hero for finding that broken fence line, and I'm sure Pippin was a big help in the repair. Hee hee hee.

  4. Horses would be handy for our fence lines...if I would just ride!

  5. Good job Doc! Pippin, next time it's your turn, buddy.


  6. Camryn here:
    Awesome you found the break Doc, and Pippin your a great supervisor. Now you guys have to go rebreak the fence so I can get in to come visit!!!

  7. Glad you found it before it was a "big" problem...What a cute supervisor you have on your place.

    Blessings Kelsie

  8. Woohoo, a big job well done. I know, I've been at the end of those 'fence' pliers many a time. Now if ya could just teach Pippin' to build fence ya'll would have it made in the shade! Heeehehe!

    God bless ya and have a splendid day sweetie!!!

  9. Please do post about feral is her day!

  10. I totally agree about riding with a purpose. It puts you in charge, and keeps your horse from taking over. Not that your horses take over. Right Doc and Pippin? Now, I wonder what the heck got caught in the fence and pulled it down.


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