Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Cuties

Here is son one!
Oh, so many years ago!

CS - 1986

And number Two with his best girl...
May I introduce you to
Scarlett and Rhett?
DE - 1990

I always enjoyed Halloween and making costumes. 
On various years my boys became a black cat, Superman, a scorpion, a spaceship, and buzzing bees.
As an adult I once went to a party as a bunch of grapes. I wore a purple leotard and tights. We pinned purple balloons all over me and I used wild grape ivy to make a trailing head piece. 
It was a great costume but  presented a few challenges:
I couldn't sit in the car to go to the party. I had to kneel in the cargo area of the van. 
Luckily the party was only a few miles away!
I barely fit through any doors.
It was difficult to move my arms, thus tough to eat and drink,
but that's OK because it was even more difficult to use the bathroom!

Happy Halloween to everyone!


  1. Such precious kiddos!!
    The costume you describe sounds perfect except for my fear of popping "grapes!!"

  2. Ah, Deanna.... I knew I forgot to add another drawback to the costume! The other party goers delighted in popping my grapes!

  3. those pictures are Priceless! Happy Halloween!

  4. What adorable costumes! But, I want to see a picture of you as a bunch of grapes.

  5. Happy Halloween! Very cute boys!
    How creative! A grape costume! I would live to see that picture, too!

  6. I'm loving the little people ..sooo sweet. I saw wee little dragon at lunch today, in the Bob Evans at Kokomo. Happy Halloween to all the little ones. Smiles, Susie

  7. Sorry ladies, no pictures of me as a bunch of grapes. I think that was before cameras were invented! ;-)

  8. Very cute! I found myself reminiscing as well...happy halloween, memories!

  9. These costumes are so cute! The grape costume sounds challenging to say the least. Wish you would have had a picture!

  10. I prefer the "product" of the grapes rather than an "unstilled" bunch! :-)


  11. oops, please change that to "undistilled", Cyndi



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