Monday, January 30, 2012

Who Stole the Brushes from the Grooming Box?

Who stole the brushes from the grooming box?

Doc stole the brushes from the grooming box!
Who me?
Yes you!

Couldn't be....
Then who?

Mama Boots stole the brushes from the grooming box!
Who me?
Yes you!

Couldn't be...
Then who?

Tucker stole the brushes from the grooming box!
Who me?
Yes you!

I wondered where my brushes had gone. I was missing my stiff bristle dandy brush on Saturday, when I was trying to get the mud off the horses' legs. Then on Sunday I couldn't find my body brush. I returned from the barn after having a second look and caught the culprit red handed jawed as he took off with my curry comb. Doc and I took a walk around the yard and retrieved the dandy brush and the curry comb. I still haven't found where that sneaky rascal put that body brush! 

I'm thinking it isn't so much about stealing the brushes as it is stealing my attention from the big fuzzy boys! OK, Tucker. Point taken. Let's go to the dog park!


  1. good communication skills are the key to building relationships. I think Tucker must be really smart to have overcome the language barrier in such a way to communicate his desires to you clearly! Have fun at the dog park!

  2. Oh my, that one had me laughing good and hard LOL

  3. Sarah; we had a great time at the dog park. We always end up laughing at Tucker because he runs and runs and runs some more! Someone will throw a ball or a frisbee for their dog. Their dog takes off after the item to fetch and Tucker takes off after the dog. He tries to herd all of the dogs!
    I really think he is communicating. He will steal my glove, or something else, knowing I will go get it back. The problem with the brushes is that I didn't see him do it until the third item was taken!

  4. So cute! Somehow, it doesn't surprise me that Tucker was the culprit.

  5. LOL! Your animals are hilarious.

    Cindy Bee


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