Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas All Over Again

It started snowing around noon yesterday and we just didn't bother to head out to the mailbox until this morning. Then, it was Christmas all over again! I had a package from my Christmas swap buddy in New Hampshire. In November, Patrice at Everyday Rurality, asked who might be interested in a gift exchange. That's the sort of thing I love doing, so I signed up. Patrice couldn't have done a better job of matching me with another blogger. I was matched with Courtney, author of Sassafras and Winterberry. I had not bumped into Courtney's blog before and was astonished at how many connections we have. We are both teachers. We both have two sons. We both enjoy simple things in life. We both enjoy handcrafts.

So, my gift arrived. I was excited! (Courtney had told me it would be delayed - she had a very busy Christmas and ... well, you'll see why it took her a bit of time....)

I was excited about opening the box!

This little box contained so much!
Even the bag with the crow on it was cute!
I kept the bag - it might
be inspiration for some sort of project!

The box contained home-made blackberry jam. Yum!
I received this cute little note pad, too.

I hit the jackpot;
two skeins of home spun Alpaca & Border Leicester
yarn. It has beautiful flecks of brown and tan.

Have you ever seen a Border Leicester?
I hadn't... so I looked it up.
Isn't this the cutest sheep you've ever seen?
It looks like a cross between a bunny and a lamb!

And finally, the most incredible gift I received this Christmas...
A mat that was hand hooked and uniquely designed
with a vintage horse.
Isn't it the best?!!
  I love it!
I don't have anything like this.
Isn't it darling?


  1. Holy cow - looks like you hit some serious paydirt there. *grin* Love the yarn, and that mat is just too fun!

    I'm going to say it's extra special to find presents in the mailbox; especially during January. Most folks only get extra bills (which is not very special if you ask me ;o)

  2. what teasures were in your box! Even the bag!The gift exchange sounds fun! That blogger did a good thing taking on that project!

  3. That's awesome! After all the excitement of Christmas...and now that it's "Blah January," how fun to get a box full of delightful gifts in the mail! =)

  4. What thoughtful special gift(s) ~ enjoy!! Would be fun to see what you make out of that wonderful yarn.

  5. Great gifts! Are you going to tell us what you contributed to the exchange?


  6. Can never have enough Christmas :)

  7. A bunny-sheep/sheep-bunny... I must have one! Adorable.


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