Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week 11: Wednesday What's It?

What's It?









Maybe it will help you figure this out if you know that nope, this is not some sort of new cooking spatula! I have used this at the Parker house. I just got it a few weeks ago, but wish I had owned one all along. It has made one of my jobs a lot easier.










I have found this useful when I've been putting in tile. Others use it when they are finishing sheetrock.

Do you have any ideas?







When I went to find a picture of this tool online, I was most flattered when it came up saying:

You see, I misread the label and thought it was talking about my skill level. I was thinking that because I used this tool I had moved from the beginner's to the advanced level! Oh, my, how funny! Oh, how prideful of me!

OK... give up or do you 'got it'?


This tool is a bucket scraper. I use it to pull up gobs of mortar to slop onto the floor before I use the notched trowel and put a tile down. 

Before I got my new tool I used a a paint scraper:

There is only one problem with my original tool... it's kinda like a square peg in a round hole. Getting the mortar out of the bucket used to put me in a foul mood. I couldn't get much on the scraper. In trying to scrape mortar off the sides of the bucket I'd end up with morter up to my elbows... I hated it! Now... I love my new tool! Oh, well, sometimes we are pleased by the silliest of things!!


  1. That looks like the perfect tool for scraping yuck out of horse waterers. Am I right? Or did I just invent another use for it?

  2. I am putting drywall mud on our walls, trying to cover up screws and such. I wonder if I should get one of those tools. hmmmm

    Cindy Bee

  3. definatly sounds and looks like a neat little tool!

    And yes i know about the bathrooms in switserland, they are very very gross!

    Thanks for your great comment!

  4. I definitely could have used that thing the other day to scrape up the vinyl tiles off of the bathroom floor. I used one of those "originals" you have shown at the bottom of your post. I'm thinking the high falutin' scraper might have made the job go much faster (or at least made me look more like I knew what I was doing ;o)


What thoughts do you have?

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