Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tucker Talks: Boring

Hey there. I'm over here, lying in the cool grass behind the iris. Do I look impressed? Ab-so-lute-ly not! I think the lady that feeds me has lost her ever-loving mind! Couldn't she just paint blobs of color on the wall to test which color combination she likes the best? I mean, what will the neighbors think? Geesh, people can actually see this from the road as they drive by. I will be the laughing stock of the neighborhood. I will never have any dog friends. Good grief!

Ya know, they say we dogs can't see color - hah, that's crazy. Just look at the colors we see:

The lady that feeds me has painted cutesy little houses in varying shades of tan. B-O-R-I-N-G! And besides, she has been doing this for what seems like hours and hasn't played with me once. That's boring, too! Oh, and, she has me tied up. so I can't even go play with the horses that live next door. Soooo bored!


  1. Very cute! I like the big one on the left.

  2. Awww, Tucker, she'll play with you, soon I like the big one best, too.

  3. What a great idea! From Terry at Moondance - I'm having trouble commenting.

  4. Wow. I admire your patience in doing that. Life would be more interesting if people painted murals on their houses and barns. You've got a talent. You could paint more scenes like that and charge admission.

  5. What a clever way to test paint colors. Very cute.

  6. Tucker my pooches think I'm crazy too and life here is boring when I don't let them chase things around, or bark like crazy at nothing.

  7. I think you should leave it like it is! I like the whole scene...add some flowers, trees, birds, bees and maybe Tucker and you'll have it done! Good job. Poor Tucker.

    Cindy Bee


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