Thursday, April 17, 2014


We saw a herd of Mustangs!
To be honest, I should say we saw small bands of Mustangs.
We saw some as we drove out of Bryce Canyon, UT.
There were a few more along the road heading south.
And finally, there was a large band in Kanab, UT.
If you put them all together, it would make up a herd.

OK, to be fair, they weren't ponies...
What we were seeing were Ford Mustangs.

It seems that the Ford Mustang is 50 years old today. That's an awesome track record. Ford is commemorating the birthday with a celebration at the Charlotte Motor Speedway concurrent with one in Las Vegas.

The Mustangs we saw were just a few belonging to a group of 100 cars rented by 200 members of the Mustang Club de France. They were enjoying a group tour of the west before the official celebrations began. What a fun trip!

Most of the cars sported this banner, which, in case you can't read it, says:
Mustang 50th Birthday Celebration
50 years 1964/2014   Mustang Club de France
Las Vegas

Happy Birthday, Mustang!
It's hard to believe you are a half century old!


  1. Hi Dreaming! What a fun play on words and post! You were in Byrce ~ one of my most favorite places in the world. And I love that drive to Kanab. I'm so behind on blogging, and yours in one blog I want to catch up on. I saw a "herd" of mustangs in a parade in Honolulu recently, and I've seen a mustang car show on Fremont Street in Las Vegas. It would be fun to see this. If you're in Utah you must be nearing home. Happy travels to you and Mr. Dreamy!

  2. I am still a fan of Mustangs after all these years!

    1. Yup! they are fun to look at, and haven't seemed to change too much. It was fun to see so many.

  3. There seem to be herds of Mustangs everywhere this week. It would be fun to own one and be a part of the celebration. I just have to ask if between Bryce Canyon and Kanab, did you stop in and tour Best Friends Animal Sanctuary? Since you and your guy are obvious animal lovers, I highly recommend the visit. Wonderful place, people and organization.

    1. LOL I was wondering about the rentals. I wonder f there will be some good deals to be had after the celebration, f one just happened to be in the market!
      We did get up to Best Friends. It is remarkable, and will be a post at some point fairly soon.

    2. So glad you were able to visit. There are not enough wonderful words for all they do.


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