Sunday, April 27, 2014

By the Numbers: Home Again

We made it home last week. 
Phew! What a trip!

Winter Trip - 2014

We visited so many places that Google maps refused to continue showing point to point directions! I had to map our trip using different software!

Our trip, by the numbers:
  • 8265:   miles Mr. Dreamy drove the RV on the trip
  • 1070:   gallons of fuel pumped into the RV (ouch)
  • 131:   number of days we were 'on the road'
  • 91: number of miles Dreaming drove the RV (plus twice around a campground!)
  • 27:   campgrounds visited
  • 30:   most days spent at one park (Palm Creek Golf and RV Resort, Casa Grande, AZ)
  • 14:   states visited with the RV (but we only spent the night in 12)
  • 2: number of RV's we used on the trip
Now we have to sort out everything on the RV that needs to be in the house, 
and get things off the RV that we didn't use, 
and put on things we wished we had with us,
and wash the linens and towels, 
and get them back on the RV for the next trip, 
and clean out the fridge and cabinets, 
and vacuum up more dog hair, 

then we get to pay attention to the house and yard!
What fun!


  1. Welcome back home! You had a wonderful trip! :)

  2. Replies
    1. It didn't seem as involved while we were doing it. And, we certainly got to see great places and meet lots of new friends.

  3. Welcome home, Dreaming! Poor MD ~ over 8,000 miles driving a big motorhome! But yay! to you for trying it. I have to admit, respectfully, that the last thing I would want is a motorhome. Just the thought of driving one over narrow roads ~ any roads ~ makes me break out in a cold sweat! But I can enjoy it vicariously through you. I hope home feels wonderful!!!!!

    1. Thanks! Other than the snow a few minutes ago, it is good to be home. I am so fortunate to be able to have both worlds. I have only cringed on a few roads - or when being forced onto a narrow lane due to construction. We were told just to keep looking ahead and don't sweat what is next to you! It does help.

  4. Sounds like a really good trip. I think people always appreciate home more after they have been away awhile. I know I do.

    1. It was a good trip and Mr. Dreamy really objects to the wind and cold here at home. It gives us a chance to escape some of that. I'm glad to be back and to pick up with my friends and activities. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Thanks! It is good be be here - well, maybe not when we just had snow a few minutes ago!


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