Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What's It?

We still don't know what last week's gadget was. Most folks felt it was a farm tool, perhaps for castration or dehorning. However, Susan from Drafty Hafy Gurl, cracked me up with her suggestion that it was something Loraina Bobbit might have used!

What's It?







I do know what this one is!

It was also found in Great Aunt Ida's kitchen and
probably is from the 60's.

  You can still buy these today.
But, don't look yet, if you don't know what it is.
What are your ideas?

Scroll down for the answer.







This gadget is used to plop cookie dough onto the baking sheet. You squeeze it together, scoop up some dough or scrape the dough off of a spoon, then let go of the spring handle, and plop.... perfect drop cookies!
I haven't used this is years and years, but of course, I won't throw it out! I love baking cookies, but more than that, I love eating cookies! If I make 'em they are gone in a skinny minute and I'm not so skinny afterwards!

Are you a cookie baker?
Do you have one of these gadgets?


  1. Do not have one of those gadgets and I like to cook...sometimes. I do prefer to bake desserts than meals. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I was young in the 1960s and I had never seen a device like that. I got my explanation when I found out what it was....I never baked a cookie until way into middle age (no kids, I guess that's one reason why). I had a good chuckle though.--Inger

  3. I knew it once upon a time, but I just couldn't bring it up in my brain! Hmmm, maybe I'm getting old!

  4. I'da never guessed. I've been coming across a few things around the house while I pack stuff up that I have no idea what they are...I'm posting them on my blog too. I had my farmgirl cousin try to guess what that farm tool is, and she couldn't figure it out either. She mentioned de-horner.

    Cindy Bee

  5. hahaha NO!!!! i have still NO idea what it is... maybe you need to make some cookies and take pics while your using it.... well and then, maybe sent the cookies to me???



What thoughts do you have?

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