Thursday, November 21, 2013

That Was Then....

This is now...








What a difference a day makes!


  1. I'm marveling at the difference a day can make too, Dreaming! I've enjoyed catching up on your last few posts ~ I seem to be playing catchup in a lots of areas these days! I'm not sure if I would play Pickle Ball ~ After seeing your misadventures, it seems dangerous! I spent some time stranded in the KC airport due to an ice storm, and I remember following all the art embedded in the floors of the concourse we were on. Some of it was the Earth's magnetic polarity! Wow! Thanks for the recognition about the award. That was the first and only time I'll participate in awards because I quickly realized it was a lot of work, and I felt like I was bestowing work instead of honor! I loved how tactfully you handled declining! I've considered making up an award with no strings attached! Have a good one!

  2. Welcome to winter. Yes one day can make a big difference...maybe yours will melt! :)

  3. Ugh! You live way up in the mountains so I suppose you will have lots's cold here and snowing now.



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