Wednesday, July 31, 2013


For a moment, pretend that you are a big elk. 

A big, bull elk. 

You are "The" elk. 

The elk of all elks.

Who? Me?

You are bigger and badder than any other elk. 

You have spent the summer growing massive antlers

... and lounging in the mountains

... and swapping stories with the other elk.

Imagine that fall has come. 

Hormones begin stirring and hijack your little Elk brain. 

You are more charged up than a Middle Schooler in March.
(I taught Middle School for years....
You'll have to trust me on this one!)

You saunter into town,

just looking for a fight.

Then suddenly....

you see him.

You want him.

You attack....

This bronze caribou statue on the grounds of The Stanley Hotel was attacked by a bull elk a few years ago. The statue, although toppled over, won the fight. The bull Elk lost an antler and sustained injuries that needed to be treated. Since then, the hotel covers the statue in tarps in the late summer to discourage further attacks. Next week, he goes under wraps for his, and crazed elk protection.


  1. ha ha ha ha ha! That is too funny! Elk are beautiful creatures.

  2. :) They are beautiful creatures..a bit hormone driven:)

  3. ahhh,maybe they should get a bronze of a mountain lion instead? wait a sec... i think i remember a story of a lion getting amorous with...nevermind!

    guess it depends on what you want your hotel to be known for ;) !

  4. Oh man that is hilarious, I didn't expect the ending. Poor statue though! LOL

  5. Oh, that poor elk must have been so surprised.

  6. Great story! Reminds me of a big bull elk we saw near Banff on ou first trip west nearly 30 years ago. We called him 'Bull' too.


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