Sunday, September 18, 2011


I can't leave that boy tied up for five minutes without him getting into trouble!

What? Who me? In trouble?

Shyloh, Pippin's blogger girlfriend marefriend, has adopted the 'one-earred' halter look too! Apparently it is all the rage among Haffies! I must admit, this look is terribly cute! These horses are stylin'! I usually make a braid around Pippin's halter to help keep it in place, but this time I had to dash out as Tucker had escaped from the yard! When I returned, with the captured pup, this is what greeted me! How can you get upset with a face like this?!


  1. He's just too cute for his own good!

  2. Hilarious! Pippin and shyloh would make quite the pair!

  3. All I can say is thanks for the grins :))

  4. They certainly are busy when you're not looking.

  5. That is the most innocent look ever!!! So cute!!!

  6. They've started a new fad! Will it spread to other breeds I wonder?

  7. Haha! The one eared halter look. . . started by Pippin and Shyloh of the Haflingers, true fashionistas of the horse world!


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