Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Power of Positive Thinking

We haven't had rain since the beginning of July. Well, a drop here and a drop there. But not enough to wet the ground. We've had storms go to the south of us. And there are storms that go to the north of us. 

But nothing here.

We often see dense, purply black clouds,
and even beautiful rainbows east of us. 

But nothing here!

We sit on our porch and enjoy watching
Mother Nature's fireworks shows. 
We get to watch rain fall in the distance.

But not here!

Perhaps if I put up a post about rain...
And think positive thoughts...

Maybe we'll get some rain here!


  1. Keep thinking those positive thoughts and maybe you'll get some rain this weekend. Being a holiday weekend, it is likely to rain on parades and picnics. So set up a picnic lunch in your backyard and get Pippin, Doc, Tucker, Mama Boots, and the guy-whose-always-hanging-around-you to line up and march about your property. That'll draw the moisture right out of the sky.

  2. Laughing.... thanks 'Once Upon' - at least you've made me smile, despite the local drought!

  3. Beautiful photos! My pastures are as dry as dust.

  4. I certainly hope that you get some much needed rain. It's downright scary how dry much of the nation is.

  5. Well at least you're getting some great rainbow shots! Did the foggy morn leave any moisture?

  6. Hope you get some rain soon! Beautiful rainbows! :)

  7. Your rainbows are just wonderful! We were stunned at how dry your side of the divide is...normally you have a lot of rain and it is very green there.

    Hope you get some rain soon!



What thoughts do you have?

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