Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What's It?

This week I've begun a new illiterative post. It's called "What's It Wednesday". I figure since we have Sunday Stills, Meet Me On Monday, Weight Loss Wednesday, etc.... why not?!

So, here it is....

What's It?

Don't scroll down quite yet. Think about this and decide what you think it is. 







Do you think you've got it?
Need more time? You've got all the time in the world! 
Just don't scroll down until you are ready!





Here's a hint

Did you say baling twine?
Well, you are only partially correct.

What we have here is actually...............

Big Pippin Bazzoka Bubble Gum!!

A few weeks ago I tied a gate open with a piece of baling twine. Pippin apparently became hungry (not unusual) and curious (not unexpected) and began chewing on the baling twine. Somehow he got it off the gate. From the looks of it, he chewed it for quite some time. I found it in his paddock. I am so thankful he didn't swallow it! No more Big Bazooka for my big guy!

So, did you get the answer right away? What did you think it was?


  1. Great idea -- you know I have Tuesday and Wednesday features of my own, they keep me disciplined -- anyway, I thought it was twine. The donkey rescue trucks next door drop it on the road and sometimes it looks like that, but not quite as fluffy. I am so glad he didn't swallow any of it.--Inger

  2. I thought it was fiber, ready to be spun. Looks like it was unspun, instead. I love baling twine. It has a thousand and one uses. But one of them is not slip sliding down a horse's throat. Glad he didn't swallow it.

  3. I knew exactly what it was at first glance before reading anything. Scary stuff for sure when it gets in a horse's belly.

  4. Oh my goodness!!! I'm so glad he didn't swallow his chewing gum!

  5. I'm with Louise. I thought it was fiber, ready to be spun. So glad it didn't end up in his belly.

    Cindy Bee

  6. I guessed baling twine because I have started a battle with gathering it from the farm. Hubby seems to think they are biodegradable like the grass string we used to use.


What thoughts do you have?

I knew I Could - Vickie's A-musings

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