Thursday, February 9, 2012

Horses at Play

Hay, Doc. I'm bored.

Does someone always 
have to entertain you?

Let's play in the round pen.

Snow's too deep.

I'll race you up the hill.

I don't really want to work that hard.

Let's play "I'm the King of the Mountain."

OK... I'm the king. 
Now, get outta here.

Hay, is that our Mrs. Owner?

Dinner time! Let's go!
Last one to the barn gets 
the rotten hay!


  1. Awesome! I love watching the horses play and be silly. Very cute!

  2. Ah, the snow brings out the foal in a horse, puppy in a dog, a kid in a person like me. I watched Terry's video of her horses playing yesterday and here your guys are going at it. Such fun!

  3. Sing it: Boys just wanna have fu-uh-uh-un.

    They are quite a pair. Misty and SJ have been kicking up their heels in this white stuff too. Glad the ponies are enjoyong it.

  4. Sing it: Boys just wanna have fu-uh-uh-un.

    They are quite a pair. Misty and SJ have been kicking up their heels in this white stuff too. Glad the ponies are enjoyong it.

  5. Camryn here:
    Wow, you guys are having to much fun. Maybe I'll sneak over your way and join in? If you can stand a bossy mare in your midst ;)

  6. Lucky you to get all that snow!!! Those two were having a blast...what fun to watch!

  7. Dashing through the snow...
    Love it! So fun watching them play.

  8. LOL that was great! loved your front porch chat too :) It is a wee bit cold, but hot coffee helps :)


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