Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch: Winter Wonders

Would you care to join me for a chat on the front porch?
Well, it might be a bit chilly! 
(Would it be chilly if we had chili?!)

Of course, the first hurdle would be finding the steps 
and trudging through the drift at the top!

Actually, the snow from this past weekend's storm has been cleared away.
Hmmm, maybe you could come after our next storm
and help with that chore!

Even though you can get on my porch and the chairs 
are no longer covered in snow, 
I think I'd rather chat with Patrice and her friends.
Join us!
Click on the image to see other 'chats'!

Here are our questions for this week:

1.  Stephanie asks, "What kind of competitions do you prefer to watch? Dancing, singing, or cooking?
If you had told me years ago that I'd watch and enjoy all three of these, I would have said you were crazy! I missed the first seasons of American Idol, but now I watch it religiously. I enjoy "Dancing with the Stars" more than "So You Think You Can Dance".  Recently my Hubby and I have both begun to watch "Chopped" and "Restaurant Impossible". 

2. My Kid's Mom asks, "Do you work? Are you retired? Are you a stay at home mom?
Just like the first question, I can say I'm all three - or at least, have been all three.
I am happily retired! I worked in the same school district (sort of) for 30 years, before we moved to Colorado. I enjoyed the challenge of working and raising two boys. I loved being home with them, when they were young, in the summer, so in some ways I was a 'stay at home mom'.  I became a Specialist in the District Office when my youngest was in third grade. I had to work thorough the summer. I hated missing summer fun with him. 

3. Empty Nester asks, "What's your favorite thing about winter?
I love the anticipation and excitement of a big snowstorm brewing. I love the 'hush' that comes with the snow. I enjoy hunkering down at home and doing inside projects. However, if I were still working... I'm not so sure I'd love all of this white stuff!

4. Homeschool on the Croft asks, "What do you love most about where you live?"
We lived in coastal SC for 30+ years, and then moved to Colorado. Talk about a huge change! My Hubby and I both love the dry air. It seems as we got older we tolerated the oppressive heat and humidity less and less. We also like the fact that the dry air does not encourage lots of ugly bugs! 
What I love about where I live, specifically, is the cozy lay-out of our home and the fact that I have almost 10 acres of land, nestled in a 'bowl' that is 3 1/2 miles from a town with many of the big box stores. Because of the bowl-like terrain, we have no feeling of being that close to civilization.

5. Did you or your children(grandchildren too) ever have a dollhouse?
Nope... not I! Unless you count the stable I created for my Breyer horses the same as a dollhouse! My boys had some Playmobile 'sets'. They had the castle, which in some ways might be considered a dollhouse. 
I really enjoy looking at dollhouses. Someday, maybe I'll have a grandchild and we can create one together!

6. Wendell asks, "If horses have blankets, why don't they get a pillow too?"
Hi there Wendell, Pippin, here. I like the way you think. We should have pillows... even if we don't have (or need) blankets! Obviously our owners have not slept in a barn or a paddock. Yeah, yeah, yeah... they say we don't lay down to sleep. Hah... would they if they had to live in these sub-standard conditions without a nice soft bed with a pillow? Hmmm... something to think about, eh?


  1. Your home sounds just lovely. I'm imagining all those acres with you cozy in your nest.

    Nice to have another horse for Wendell to chat with!

  2. Ha! Ha! I too love cooking, dancing and singing shows.

  3. Wow! That is a whole lotta snow!!! We rarely see snow like that in West Texas; I don't know how I would handle it! How wonderful, though, to be living your dream. You go, girl!

  4. Always fun to learn more about you. I'm a "Dancing with the Stars" fan too, and I like "The Next Food Network Star". "American Idol"? Not so much.


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