Saturday, May 31, 2014

Beauty in the eye of the beholder...

My brother asked me about the 'metal clouds' on our way to the airport last week. I have often wondered about these, wondering when they'd be finished. I figured money had run out and they were just sitting… waiting.

It turns out they are supposed to be art. They are a sculpture by a guy named Christopher Lavery, and they are designed to remind visitors of Colorado's vivid sunsets and skies. 


It turns out they are part of the public art collection of the Denver International Airport, and they are temporary. The sculptures were installed in 2010 and were to be here for about a year. 


The Public Art Administrator of the DIA (since when do airports have Art Administrators?) explained the exhibit, saying,  "It's a piece about the plains and the ingenuity and the vision of the plains that you get from what people have constructed. This artwork is lovely and people will think it's wonderful."


It turns out that Denver has a "percent for art ordinance" stipulating that one percent of the cost of a building be used for art projects. I thought the airport was outside of Denver. This particular piece (a temporary piece, remember?!) cost the Airport Art Commission $120,000.


I guess I just don't get it!

Maybe they should add a billboard with an arrow that says, "This is art." Just in case there are other folks out there that don't 'get it'! The billboard would be just as pretty as the art… in my opinion!

What's wrong with enjoying the beauty of Colorado's open prairies and open views? They have a beauty no one can replicate! Why mess that up?!


What thoughts do you have?

What is Four?

Have you ever thought of the meaning of "four"?  Four is the number of: seasons in a year. corners and sides to a square. virtues....