Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Conversation Went Something Like This...

Dreaming: Honey, I'm thinking of getting an electric string trimmer.

Mr. Dreamy: Why would you want one of those? We have the gas one already.

Dreaming: I've never been able to get the weed wacker started.

Mr. Dreamy: Oh, it's easy. Let me show you…
First, you have to make sure it has fuel.

Dreaming: OK. I see.

Mr. Dreamy: Then, you pump this little bulb until this little fuel line has no more bubbles in it. See?

Dreaming: Oh, OK. I guess that's what I have done wrong in the past.

Mr. Dreamy: Then you push this switch all the way to the top. You grab it here, on the handle, holding the trigger. Then you pull the cord. Like this.

Dreaming: Yes, I see.

Mr. Dreamy: Well, sometimes you have to put this switch back toward the middle. Then pull a few times.

Dreaming: Uh huh.

Mr. Dreamy: Well, if it still won't start, then pull the switch all the way back. Then pull a few times.
I think maybe I've flooded it. I'll have to try starting it later.

Maybe I should rethink the whole thing and get a goat!


  1. That's exactly the way gas weed eaters work, though. His procedures are impeccable.

  2. It wouldn't be so bad if the dang weeds didn't just keep coming back!

    1. I am loving our rain… but it isn't helping either!

  3. That is why I went and got one that is rechargeable a Black and Decker:)

    1. That's what we ended up getting - and this morning I was so happy to go out and whack some weeds without getting help from Mr… and, it was so light and quiet!

    2. I know, I can finally do it myself! :)

  4. LOL I was tired of soaking my jeans from the waist down as I flipped ours around to get at ALL weeds...and thats the reason why we went from gas to electric...

    1. Hmmm…soaked in gasoline - not a good thing, I'm thinking!

  5. My 70 year old friend got one and I was thinking it might have been battery operated. She loved it. My Shug said what Mr.. Dreamy said and I got the clippers out!

    Cindy Bee

    1. Haha - that's what I used to resort to. We got a battery powered one (after I wrote the post) and I LOVE it!


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