Friday, May 2, 2014

Loving the Legacy

While we were in Kanab, UT, I had the opportunity to connect with the past. We had breakfast with Paula, who married my Grandfather after my Grandmother passed away in the 70's. It seemed fitting to have breakfast with Paula as my first opportunity to meet her, many years ago, was when we had breakfast in Paula's own café in Sedona, AZ, which is where I believe she met my Grandfather. (Did you follow any of that?!!)

Paula and Dreaming

Paula is a live wire, to put it mildly! She doesn't mince words and is quick to call a spade a spade! Our conversation jumped swiftly from present to past, from family to friends, and from coffee shops to the Crescent Moon Theatre.

Shortly after Nick (my Grandfather) married Paula they yearned for the simple, small town atmosphere that had been lost when the world discovered Sedona. They settled on Kanab. I can see why.  Just driving through the town made me think of the Sedona I remember as a child. My Grandfather helped Paula establish her next café and he lived his life out in this beautiful town with Paula and her children.

In honor of my Grandfather, Paula built the Crescent Moon Theatre, named after his Crescent Moon Ranch, and the Moon Saloon next door. The theatre shows old western movies on Monday evenings for $2.00 a ticket. Other movies are shown throughout the week, and on occasion, I have been told, Paula scours the town looking for cast members for local productions. My informant explained that he has been known to make a hasty exit out the rear door when Paula marches in on a mission to enlist slower-moving thespians!

This painting of my grandfather hangs in the lobby of the theatre. 

It was wonderful to see him again, and to have the opportunity to remember so many events from my childhood. Thank you, Paula!


  1. Neat story about your visit to see Paula, the painting of your grandfather, and then I read the link about his ranch.

    1. I'm thrilled that you went back to read my post about the ranch. It was a huge part of my life!

  2. What a great post. Love the theater and that is a gorgeous painting of your grandfather!

    1. Thanks. I liked the picture as it really captures his weather-hewn face. The thing that surprised me is my grandfather has a cigarette in his hand, and I never knew him to smoke!

  3. Replies
    1. Not only is the price right, but it seems that the early birds get some input on which one to see, and the westerns that are selected for viewing have all been shot someplace in the area!

  4. I have a brother who frequently goes to Sedona. His girl friend likes it because she thinks there is some kind of cosmic aura or something there. He likes it because it's beautiful and caters to those seeking a very comfortable environment.

    1. You are correct. Sedona, according to some people, is an area with strong a spiritual vortex, or I guess there are several of them. Many people come for inspiration. My grandfather felt too many people were coming. You certainly can't deny how beautiful it is.

  5. How wonderful to connect again! I enjoyed your previous post about your grandparents...I think you might be just a little like your Grandmother! Such rich family history! :)


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