Sunday, May 25, 2014

Tomatoes on July 25

I planted tomatoes yesterday. One of the plants is a 62-day variety. That means we should have tomatoes on July 25. I can almost taste them!

Tomatoes will not set fruit if the temperature falls below 55. Since our nights are still cool, our tomatoes get their start in "walls of water". The tubes of water absorb the energy from the sun and modulate cool evening temperatures. Later in the season we will remove the walls of water.

I have two more early varieties of tomato to plant. They are terribly tiny, though. I'll let them 'harden off' for a day or two before putting them in the garden with their brethren.


  1. I had never heard of the "walls of water", but I see the sense behind it. Wonder why we don't do that here? There must be a reason.

    1. I hadn't heard about the walls of water until I moved to Colorado. Nights at our 6400' elevation tend to be cool.

  2. I want tomatoes so badly that I'm wheeling my big pots out by day and in by night! I actually have teeny tiny fruit!

    1. Ooooh, what a wonderful idea!
      I saw some great plants at the Farmer's Market to day… maybe I'll need to get one next week and pamper it a bit!

  3. The price of admission to MONTROSE is one fresh tomato !!!


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