Saturday, August 31, 2013

Saturday Centus: A Sock Full of Money

Just like the last several weeks, Jenny has given us a challenge where we can't actually use a word in the writing, but must convey the word in our 100 word creation. 

The word this week is:


I have chosen to continue my story. Funny, but I normally don’t care to read serial stories, and I didn’t intend to write one, but... sometimes the pen takes me into uncharted territory!

My first chapters were inspired by the words:

.... and so the story continues:

She marched resolutely from the auction building with single-minded purpose. The sock containing bills and coins bumped against her leg. Her precious cache she collected through the year: change from grocery purchases, loose coins found in the dryer,  and the $20 bill she discovered in the pocket of her winter coat. She spotted the pony in a dusty corral amongst a small herd of decrepit, dejected souls. Her heart ached. She wanted to buy them all. A man wearing stained overalls stretching over his rotund abdomen advanced. She ignored his stench and announced,  “I must buy that pony.”

To read other responses to Jenny's one-word prompt, visit her site by clicking below:

Jenny Matlock


  1. I read the other bits as well. I'm glad you continued the story!

    1. Thanks. It will be fun to see what happens next week... whether I can force fit my story into Jenny's prompt!

  2. "Well you can't a tall gal named Willow somthin or nother jest bought er "

    1. Like the Nike commercial... Just do it! Only this time... just buy it!

  3. OMG, I didn't get a chance to read last week's but had to go. Breaks my heart. Hopefully, after this week she'll figure out a way to get that pony, ha!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Wouldn't this be heartbreaking if it were a real story? I am sure things like this have happened to folks out there.

  4. Oh yes, what a treasure it would be! Yes, yes!!

  5. This is so neat.

    I love your continued story.

    You have such an evocative way of writing.


What thoughts do you have?

What is Four?

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