Wednesday, August 14, 2013

And, On the Seventh Day

Just one week ago a tractor came by 
and carved out a flat spot on the edge of our pasture.

A large auger, and young guys with long-handled shovels,
dug some holes.

The crew rested while they waited for inspection
and the concrete delivery.

Over the week, these piles of wood and metal....

were nailed together,

and moved,

and lifted into place.

The steel siding was screwed into place.

The roof was attached, and the doors were constructed and hung.

Our storage building was completed.

Now, if we ever need to store some of that hay we saw on our journey, we will have plenty of storage space!


  1. Sweet! I'm in the process of trying to get a quote for someone to extend my hay barn.

  2. Nice! What is going in there? Hay for horses ;)

  3. I know what that storage building is really looks just right for your motor home. Or, are you getting back into horses? That hay you passed was gorgeous.

  4. It is amazing how fast framing goes up and makes a building where before there wasn't one, but did this all happen in one week!?

    1. Yes, all in 7 days. had we not had a terrible storm, they might have completed the structure in 6 days.

  5. Wow. Like an old-fashioned barn raising!

    That would sure be a fun building to store cool garage sale finds in, too!

  6. And poof, just like that, a building appeared.

  7. That was fast which is awesome! What a great building!

  8. I wish I could one of those!!!

  9. Now THAT was fast! We need to tear down another part of our old barn...but I bet we never get it done.



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