Sunday, August 12, 2012

Holy Cow!

We traveled south to Madras, OR to meet one of hubby's high school classmates.  They had not seen each other since graduation, and had only recently found each other through Facebook. Imagine my delight  in discovering a new friend! Our lives have had so many parallels:

  • We attended the same college 
  • We both majored in Special Education and  minored in Psychology 
  • Our moms both graduated from college with degrees in Home Economics
  • Each of us had two children; she had girls, I had boys
  • Both of us had a career in the classroom
I'm sure we will find more similarities in the future given more time to share stories! 

G & B dated in high school and went their own ways. Fairly recently they reconnected and married. Just like in a fairytale! They treated us to an incredible picnic on their ranch. B grilled hot dogs and hamburgers, as the cattle gathered around to see what we were doing. 

Yeah... the perverse humor in the situation wasn't lost on us!

In addition we had a yummy pasta salad  (G shared her secret recipe with me! ), crockpot beans and fruit. We parted ways, carrying off a good part of homemade pie and frozen ground beef. We were told camping just wasn't camping unless one had home-raised beef to cook over the fire!

The ranch is in a bowl surrounded by rocky mesas that were once populated by ancient peoples. B & G have found evidence of their civilization and were married at a Shaman's Holy area on one of the mesas overlooking the ranch. The land is truly magical. 

In fact, we have no explanation for the rainbow effect caught by the camera.

Train tracks circle part of their property. B commented that this was his train set!

B & G raise Decker and Highland cattle - here are Maggie and Courtney. Maggie seems to be having a bad hair day - but I wasn't about to say anything about that in her presence!

Tucker is checking out Smokey. A bull calf born this spring. Tucker was thrilled to meet the cattle, but wished we didn't have him on a long rope. He wanted to try his paws at moving the big beasts!

Following our afternoon adventures, hubby, dogs and I made our way back to our camper at the park. We all (even the dogs) talked about what fun we had!


  1. Now that is the type of "eating out" I like to do.

    I love these breeds of cattle. I know they are rare.

    The place is beautiful, almost magical.

  2. What a gorgeous ranch (my dad would LOVE the train part!) Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all; which is the best kind, of course :o)
    I always thought those Highland Cattle were so neat looking - seems Tucker did too, eh?

  3. How much fun! Those cattle are way cooler looking than the cattle by my barn! What a gorgeous place.

  4. How awesome. Love the cattle, glad you shared those. Hubs would be so jealous of your travels if I told him. Downside of having a horse at home is you don't travel.

  5. What a special stop on your journey. I loved the train going by above. And those cows, those horns and manes or whatever you call it on cows that cover their foreheads.


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