A turnip?
I didn't plant turnips!
Regardless, it will be tasty!
I also cut most of the Silverbeet Swiss chard,
also known as Rainbow Swiss chard.
Isn't it beautiful?
The colors make me smile.
Life is a highway.... I am living a dream as I travel and explore our world. What will I find around the next corner?
Have you ever thought of the meaning of "four"? Four is the number of: seasons in a year. corners and sides to a square. virtues....
Beautiful crop. I have never seen the multi-colored Swiss chard. I believe our garden is gone. The green tomatoes fill the crisper but we may still have some turnips and greens.
ReplyDeleteIt is sad to see all of our hard work damaged by the cold.
DeleteThey are pretty! :)
ReplyDeleteWhen I first got the seeds I thought about planting them in my flower garden!