Thursday, September 5, 2013

Calf Cutie

The neighborhood 'colorful cow' somehow produced a calf.

I almost drove off the road when I first noticed 
the new young 'un in the pasture.


  1. LOL ~ my thought is: I almost fell off my chair laughing when reading about you almost driving off the road when you noticed the new addition to the neighborhood. Take care!

    1. Hmmm.... so then, who would have laughed at you, for falling while laughing at me, who almost drove off the road? Reminds me of the song, "There was an old lady who swallowed a fly"!

  2. Too funny .
    Looks like one of the horses the back was wondering how it got there too !

    1. I agree... I thought it was interesting to see the horse staring my way. I guess he found my reckless driving while trying to take a picture interesting to look at!

  3. Hahaha! I wonder what kind of milk it produces? :)

  4. Someone has a great imagination! Wonder if Daddy will show up next?

  5. Too cool. Are the horses watching you drive off the road? Or wondering when the colorful cows showed up? I'd want to get an elk and put in the pasture. :) Love the yard/pasture art.


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