Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Off the Air

I will be off the air for a bit.
Life is getting in the way of blogging.
I hate that!
The weeds are taking over the yard from our rain.
I need to pull and bag... 
and pull.
The dog hair is taking over the house.
I need to brush and vacuum...
and vacuum some more.
I finally unpacked my cardmaking boxes
from our move...
two years ago.
I want to play with paper.
I have a trip to make and will have sporadic Internet....
at best.
it all gives me the chance to pick up new blog fodder,
if you want to read about
dog hair,

I'll be back...
In a week or so,
 or a month....


  1. Enjoy your time! You will be missed while you are gone :)

  2. I sure know what you mean. The same and about a million other things are still clogging up my blogging time as well. I know I have FB friend that are beginning to think, she's snubbing us. But it's not true, life does have a way of being so very important to us, especially those live bodies and weeds, and dogs and cats and need I say more?!

  3. Have fun Dreaming! I will miss you. Loved the old test screen. When I was a kid in Nova Scotia, our one TV channel would come on at 3:30 p.m. I'd be sitting there staring at that image and willing the clock to go faster. The channel went off at 12:00 p.m. If I'm remembering right "God Save the Queen" played just before the channel went off the air. Life, life, life, life ~ It's way too busy! See you soon!

  4. Cute illustration, complete with the all too common broken rake. Enjoy! Will look forward to hearing from you when the dust settles.

  5. Have a blast! See you when you get back from weeding, grooming and wandering:)

  6. We will be here when you come back on the air! Have fun!

  7. I so understand...I be here when you get back!


  8. I'm doing the same thing. I had no idea our garden here in the desert mountains would take off and be such a huge success, so we are working hard on harvesting, cooking, baking, and juicing before the night time temps, now in the low 30s will sink even lower. Take care.


What thoughts do you have?

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