Monday, October 15, 2018

Racing the River: on to Straubing... and back to Regensberg

Sept. 27, 2018 Regensberg

Our captain pushed on to Straubing, Germany during the night. We did not miss the planned trip to Regensberg, Germany, however, we just had to endure a bus ride back to the city, and missed the opportunity for a bit more exploration. I don't mind the bus rides (except one that I'll tell you about near the end of our journey) as I enjoy looking at the scenery and getting a peek into some small towns that we wouldn't see on the ship, which usually travels at night. 

My sketch, completed while we had lunch.
The buses were parked on an island across from the Old Stone Bridge, built in the 12th century. The bridge is nearing the end of extensive renovation, something we saw throughout our trip. The Europeans value of their historic properties.

This is the corner of the original town wall. Regensberg is unique in that many of its original medieval structures remain today. The city sustained little damage during wars. The lower foundation of this tower dates from the 11th century.

In the 11th and 12th century having a tall building meant elevated status (I couldn't resist that one!) However, if you look closely at the upper floors, they were shams, much like our old western store fronts!

This beautiful church may now be rented for special occasions such as banquets or weddings. It is so popular for the latter, our guide told us, that ceremonies are held every 30 minutes beginning at 8:00 AM, and reservations must be made a year in advance.

I am always in awe of walking on cobblestones that bear witness to so much history passing. Our guide could not tell me why someone in the long past was so creative.

We stopped at a local sausage restaurant and couldn't get a seat.  I was tickled by this hound's special spot . He was patiently waiting for his serving!

Missing out on the sausage was OK by me. We ate like royalty on board, generally being served local fare and local wines.  

As the boat is small, there is little room to store food for days on end. On more than one occasion we witnessed the crew (and even the Captain at one port) performing a "bucket brigade" bringing on fresh foods for the next meal(s).


  1. what a great adventure. Love seeing cobblestone and ancient buildings. What's not to love?

    1. Hmmm... perhaps walking on cobblestones is not to love! Some of the newer "tourist destination" cities on our trip (Osijek, Croatia for example) had rougher cobblestones!


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