Sunday, October 30, 2016

Happy as a Pig in.....

It was time. The manure pile had spread east and west, and now it was gravitating to the north. It's a massive collection from a number of years of on again (mostly) and off again horses on the property. We Dreamers inflated the tires on the manure spreader, filled the lawn mower on steroids (LMOS) with diesel, and topped off the riding lawn mower with gas. Let the fun begin!

Manure pile part way into the process. 

Filling the manure spreader:
The view from the LMOS,
with a curious Zoe looking on.

The view from afar

Dreaming looking very happy, indeed!
That is, until the wind picked up and blew composted manure
all over her!

 The pile is gone!
In addition to being spread over about 1/3rd of the pasture,
it was used to fill a few holes around the homestead.

We Dreamers found that digging into a hillside promotes the composting of manure. It helps retain the moisture needed for the manure to "cook".  When we moved to our current home, the ground was so dry and hard, Mr. Dreamy's little tractor, the LMOS, couldn't dig a pit. However, after years of manure being piled on the slope, it now had enough moisture to enable Mr. Dreamy to dig out an area to make future deposits. 

I added the first wheelbarrow full of poop this morning.
I put the stakes and fencing up to keep the horses from 
walking too close to the edge and caving the dirt in.
Malachi was certain the little flags were going to eat him!

My next challenge....
filling the pit. 
Any guesses as to how long that will take?!


  1. I second Camryn's comment.

    I surely miss my manure.

    1. Shall I send some? Oops, all the good stuff is spread out in the pasture!

  2. Depends on how many horses...they can poop some good healthy piles:)


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