Wednesday, January 30, 2013

You've Got Mail


Down here....

You've got mail!

On our last day visiting my out-laws I stopped to get their mail. I was surprised by an anole, a small lizard indigenous to the southeast, hiding in the mail for the family! Anoles are often mistakenly called chameleons because they change from brown to a brilliant green. Several years ago we had an anole stowaway that rode with us from SC to CO on a plant. We put him up in a terrarium through the winter and fed him crickets. He was an ingrate, showing no thanks when we returned him and released him in his home. 


  1. Aaaahhhhhhh, I nearly jumped just seeing him peaking out of the mail!!!

  2. As a child in Chicago, I bought one at the circus. I fed him mealworms. He was mean and would bite me. Then we moved to Texas, and I was surprised that they were everywhere outside! They live there! Great post!

  3. Cute! When we go to Florida I love seeing the lizards and lizard like creatures because we don't have them up here.

  4. How neat!! I bet it was a surprise :)

  5. I would have been surprised. Too cold for cold bloods here.

  6. Tee hee. Cute. Much better than finding a snake curled up in there. But it would still make me jump.


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