Friday, January 11, 2013

Angel Watch

A new Angel has joined the realm of Heaven. Our sweet Blogging friend, Leontien, lost her battle with melanoma yesterday. My thoughts have been on Leontien since reading the news on her Facebook page early this morning. Recalling Leontien's blog posts today brought smiles to my face as I shared stories that Leontien shared with her readers, with my family, yet my heart is heavy. My emotions have taken a roller coaster ride all day. 
I have never met Leontien, yet I feel like I know her well.  I feel like we were best friends. She inspired me.  She made me laugh.  She made me cry. She made me think differently about the world. Isn' it amazing how this can happen?
God bless you, Leontien. You will be remembered by many. I am thankful to have known you.


  1. I am sorry you have lost your friend, Dreaming. Your post brought tears to my eyes. The biggest surprise for me in starting to blog has been all the love and caring that comes through the posts and comments. I hope your heart will lighten soon. Your friend is not suffering any more.

  2. Sorry to hear about your blogging friend. It's amazing how people we have never even met can mean so much to us. My heart is sad for your and Leontien's family.

  3. She sure had a big impact on a lot of people. I hope her family is doing alright. We can all learn from her strong spirit.

  4. So sad..she was a fighter..she had so many bloggers encouraging her. It is hard to lose good blogging leaves a big hole:(

  5. Even her last post was full of grace.

  6. Damn. I didn't know until I came over to visit you. Thank you for giving such a respectful post of honor for her. She'd be proud. I didn't know her well either, but felt her zest for life through her words. God bless her for being so full of life, until the very end. We should all take notes. A life well lived, even if too brief.


  7. Leontien was so special and I am also grateful to have known her.

  8. So sorry to hear of this. She was a brave lady.

  9. Im making the rounds for hugs - hugs to (((Dreaming!)))

    somehow I think leontien would approve if her blogger family were to do a little hugging in her honor too... ;)

  10. oh what a sad post, I'm sorry about your friend xo


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