Friday, January 25, 2013

Scene at a campground: I Feel Pretty

I feel pretty,
Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty,
 Not witty,
 Nor bright...

Wild turkeys invaded the camp ground every afternoon. This particular RV has a shiny strip of chrome along the bottom of each side and has turkey-atttracting hub caps. This particular turkey vacillated between admiring the beautiful turkey she saw looking back at her, and pecking at it. I am certain the owner of the RV was thrilled that his RV attracted such attention!


  1. Goofy bird, I liked your prints in the sand too.

  2. To funny, glad you thought to get pix :) We have a cardinal that thinks it must fight it's reflection every spring, and of course it's the bedroom window before the alarms go off grrrrrr

    1. Oh no! That cardinal needs to go away! We had one who attacked the cardinal he saw in the mirror of our car. He made a mess down the side of the car.

  3. Foul for your dinner? Or, is the wild turkey protected?


    1. I am not sure about hunting laws, but I am sure the camp ground would wring our necks if we messed with the turkeys.

  4. Funny! Turkeys are such goofy looking creatures!

  5. Oh this is funny! Silly turkeys!

  6. Ft. Wilderness is one of my favorite campgrounds. We never saw any turkeys, but we did see and hear many peacocks. They both sound weird, but peacocks are definitely prettier. lol!


  7. Yes, those turkeys are cute.....until they scratch your [ahem our] brand new black truck....we had long scratches over the hood, and the roof that will never come out.

    Love those silly long legged things,


  8. Oh how funny! Of course it wouldn't be nearly as entertaining if that were MY motorhome ;o)

  9. Very cool pictures. I've only ever seen a few wild turkeys! He seems quite curious about the motorhome!


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