Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hobby Horse Blog Hop - Week 28: Then the Rain Came

Rain, rain, I'm glad to say
You came to visit us today!

We had over an inch of rain yesterday - it was so very exciting! OK, my friends from SC can stop laughing at me! I know, an inch is a drop in the bucket for you! But, we haven't had more than a tenth of an inch of rain at any one time since the beginning of June. Our pastures have been reduced to dried out stubble and dust. It will be interesting to see if any of the grasses recover.
Our neighbor's paint horses enjoyed the cool air and the mud. Mr. Dreamy reported that when they were let out of the barn, he saw them bucking and kicking as they ran down the hill.  Then.... they rolled! They are now sporting lovely mud coats. Yuck - glad I don't have to brush them!

Come chat with us!
How would you answer the following questions?

Take a few minutes to respond in a comment or on your blog.
I enjoy having a 'conversation'.
Complete your blog post (or comment) by asking a question of us.
Link your post to the Hobby Horse Blog Hop
by using the Linky Tool below. 
Leave a comment with the answer to the question(s).
Visit other participating blogs on the list
and respond to their questions in your comments.
Hobby Horse Blog Hop Prompts - Week 28:
  1. What do you like to do on a rainy day?
  2. Is there a favorite food you enjoy in the fall?
  3. How do you manage your horses on a rainy day?
My answers:
1. If I have the opportunity, I love to sleep in with the sound of rain on the roof. But, that rarely happens - sleeping in AND the rain! And, for me, 'sleeping in' means staying in bed past 7:00 AM. Another option is to watch a movie on TV or read a good book. Today I spent some time working down in the basement - we haven't organized furniture or unpacked down there since we moved a year ago. I think it is time to do something with that space!
2. I love pumpkin spice anything!
3. My horses had the freedom to go where they wanted to go in just about all weather. I have a paddock which has an opening into a run-in area in the barn. Each of my two stalls has an opening into the run-in area. So, horses can go into the stalls, stand in the run-in area, or venture out into the rain. Many times they would be soaking wet, even having the chance to be under cover.
Summer 2011 - when we had grass in the pasture!


  1. Pumpkin spice is not my favorite. 7:00am is sleeping in? That is the time I get up for work!
    I'll be joining the Hop after work :)


What thoughts do you have?

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Have you ever thought of the meaning of "four"?  Four is the number of: seasons in a year. corners and sides to a square. virtues....