Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Circle Your Wagons

Recently we participated in a rally for owners of our make of RV. We traveled to Pueblo, CO and participated in a number of tours and activities...

oh, and let's not forget eating!

The dogs attended the rally, too.
They got to meet bark at 3 Papillons, 
2 Beagles, a Bassett cross
and a Cocker Spaniel.

We attended Octoberfest in Pueblo
and enjoyed upbeat German music,
beer and brats.

 This is our group at the festival:

We drove into the mountains to visit Bishop's Castle.
The castle has been under construction for almost 45 years.
Almost all of the work has been completed by Jim Bishop, alone,
using timbers and stone from the National Forest that surrounds the castle.

 Jim grew up working for his father doing ornamental iron work.
Much of the castle is adorned with this type of work.

Dreaming is showing that she is 'large and in charge'
sitting in a giant chair at the base of the castle.

The park had a wonderful trail system that
Tucker and Gypsy enjoyed.
This was the 'Conduit' trail that ran along
a decades-old conduit which used to carry Arkansas River water
to the steel mills near Pueblo.
The first picture offers a bird's-eye view of part of the trail.

We visited an air museum.
One of our group members is a docent there.
We enjoyed a private guided tour.
This is a MASH helicopter used in the Korean War.

We also visited Rosemount Museum, the Pueblo waterfront
and the Center for American Values.

We did a little drinking...
Here I am enjoying a 'dry' beer!

And we did a little eating...

Then it was time to say 'Good-bye' until our next rally with this group. 


  1. How fun!!!! I think those gathering of peoole with things in common sound so fun! Malcolm is a Jeep guy, and when we lived in TN, right before we moved, we learned there was a "club" that went out off roading together once a month of so. Things like that are a great way to make friends with people who have something in common that you can all enjoy together!

  2. How awesome, I can feel like I'm on vacation right along with you now :)

  3. Are you driving your RV to Brighton?

  4. You are sure enjoying your new lifestyle- good for you!

  5. So much fun and I loved the pictures, such a beautiful place. I love traveling with you! Sometime you are going to have to follow us to Alaska :)

  6. That castle is wonderful, I love people who take on projects like that and then work on them for years and years. And Pueblo looks like a different town from the one I visited so many, many years ago. I must have landed on the wrong side of the tracks! Looking for a restroom!! Finally, I'm so happy for Gypsy and the wonderful home she's found.

  7. Dreaming, this was a fun post! I enjoyed your trip very much.


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