Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch: Lost!

Hahaha.... that's funny! Patrice thought she lost Wendell! I mean, if Wendell really had gotten out of the pasture, it wouldn't be funny - but she is right - how can a person lose a horse that weighs what? 1800 pounds?!
But heck, I don't have the right to laugh. How rude of me. Will you forgive me, Patrice? I mean, how can I laugh when I had a momentary panic attack when I thought I had lost my two horses! My two Haffies, weighing in at about 1100 pounds each, sure beat one Wendell! Anyway, I am thinking I probably know exactly how you felt when you thought Wendell might be gone!
One day I had the horses in our back yard. It's just under an acre. There are 5 gates in the fencing, so there is the chance, a small one, but one, none-the-less, that they could open the gate and escape. It so happened that I went out to collect the horses for dinner. I looked to the right, towards the gate that leads to the main road, no horses. So, I headed around to the left. No horses. How could that be? They weren't to the right of me. They weren't to the left of me. Oh! My! God! They escaped. I started running toward the gate leading to the road - the worst case scenario, and almost ran into Pippin's somewhat ample rear end! My Haffies had been 'hidden' behind a tree. A very small Spruce tree. But, since I had been close to the tree, it blocked more of my view, and I simply had not seen the horses there at all (at least that's the story I'm telling folks!) Phew! I was relieved to have 'found' them... but I did feel kinda silly getting ramped up into panic mode!

Can you believe the little Spruce to the right of Pippin
managed to block my view of both Haffies?!
I can't even say that the tree has gotten any bigger since
this picture was taken... in fact, it may be smaller
since a friend drove her trailer over it!

Anyway, Patrice has invited us to her porch for our weekly chat. What a great friend to host us all each week! Here are her questions and my answers:

1. What's your favorite kind of sandwich?
Tough question. It depends on my mood. Sometimes I think there is nothing finer than a PB & J on gushy white bread. Other times I like something a bit more exotic, like a pork, pear and cheese panini. Or, I can easily be enticed with a meatloaf sandwich, with ketchup. I'm not too fussy!

2. Do you have more photos or artwork on your walls of your home?
This one is easy! I have more artwork. In fact, I can't think of a single photo that is actually hanging on the walls. Most of my 'art' consists of old prints. A lot of my prints are horse-related and a few are of dogs. I even have two Currier & Ives' prints that our Realtor was coveting.

3. Do you switch your wardrobe (clothing) when the seasons change?
If, by 'switch', you mean moving summer clothes to storage and bringing out cool-weather clothes, then, no. I don't 'switch'. But, I do change from mostly shorts and sandals to jeans, socks and long sleeves. On cold days I'll wear corduroy pants and throw on a fleece. The thing that I find so amazingly stupid, about the way my brain malfunctions, is that when the season changes, I can't recall what I used to have that 'goes' with a particular pair of pants, or a shirt or whatever... even though the clothes have all been in my closet or chest. It takes me a while to get back into sync and remember what goes with what!

4. How do you keep your recipes: books, cards, computer?
I use all three. I have only a few favorites in books, and I know which books have the recipes I am looking for. I have a small box of cards and then recently I have created a folder on my computer where I stash recipes from Blog friends or that I find elsewhere. That's the modern equivalent of the folder I have in my kitchen cabinet with recipes I've torn out of magazines or that I have previously printed from the Internet, or even ones I have scribbled on some sort of scrap of paper.  Often I will Google what I want in the way of a recipe and go straight from my computer.

5. What are you looking forward to the most in the month of September?
We have signed up to go camping on two weekends with two different groups. One will be fairly small, only about 4 different RV's but they have planned some interesting places to visit that are near the campground. The other trip is to a State-wide meeting so there should be quite a number of people going. We will be guests of a local chapter, and will camp with their group, which consists of about 8 RV's.

If you'd like to join the conversation you can click on the link below to visit Patrice's Blog and you can connect your blog to her's - or you can join in the chat by commenting either on my page or on her's.
I'd love to hear from you!

Everyday Ruralty


  1. Visiting from Ms. Patrice's. I don't change out my closets for the seasons, either....first of all, too much trouble...and second, I don't have enough room...and I guess third...'cause I don't have that many clothes to start with!!! ;-) HOPE the rest of your week is great!!!

  2. I loved how you lost the horses behind the tree great job to comfort Patrice,oh your camp trips sound perfect for September I hope you have a super time!!

  3. The camping trips sound wonderful, hope you have lots of fun!

  4. Camping sounds like fun. I like PBJ's with white bread too. Or at least I did before I found out I was Gluten intolerant. I always forget what clothes I have when I store them off season. There are only so many brain cells and they get used up easily. Horse escapes are scary. Visions of liability dance in my head. We used to have a Clydesdale who would run away to visit the neighbor's sheep. He'd get in with them. The owners weren't the friendliest to start with, so this didn't help. He would buck and act like a fool when we tried to take him home. One day I had to call a friend who was one of those animal whisperer types- at that point I was an animal shouter type. She got him home by telling him she understood his need to have friends. ???;/ Go figure. When this got to be a habit, we had to send him to a draft rescue. Nineteen one hands- two thousand plus pounds is just plain dangerous in the suburbia that surrounds our farm. The girl at the rescue had a love of Clydes. We missed him, but I just tried to remember the times when I had to bring him back to the farm. It made parting a bit easier. Have a great rest of the week! BTW- how is dad?

  5. That's a funny story about the tree.... Have fun on your RV getaways!

  6. I bet those Currier and Ives' prints are gorgeous! Have fun on your camping trips!


What thoughts do you have?

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