Saturday, March 24, 2012

Living the Dream

Jenny has given us a challenge this week. We must use exactly 100 words and include the phrase, "I'm living the dream, man".

This Centus certainly is not easy to write
‘Cause this is what I do, every day and night.
My blog title spells it out, don’t you see?
Jenny must have borrowed it when visiting me!
I worked hard most my life
Teaching kids A, B, C’s,
I was a mom and a wife
My life was busy as can be.
Now I’m retired and living life large
Enjoying life with horses and a pup
And taking care of the yard.
I get as much out of life as I possibly can 
Because you better believe I’m living the dream, man!

To read other responses to Jenny's challenge, 
click on the Saturday Centus link below!


  1. Good job..I didn't count but I bet it is exactly 100:)

  2. Excellent! Thanks for your visit and your kind comments! Sounds like you ARE living' large. I love that!!

  3. Well, I'm thinking that I had to track you down to read your wonderful post, because the link you typed in was minus a few key elements. I'm persistant!!

  4. This was a perfect prompt for you. I like your poem. You really are living the dream.

  5. You are living your (New York? South Carolina?) dream in Colorado!



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