Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tu-Many Tu-lips

This spring we were blessed with tulips. 

They thrived with the water and attention they received since we moved in. The original bulbs were probably planted 6 years ago and needed to be divided.
late last spring, 
after the leaves had died back, 
when it was sufficiently hot to make this task almost unbearable, 
I dug up bulbs.

After they dried I snitched a bit of hay from Pippin and Doc and layered the bulbs in the hay. I almost filled a laundry basket! They spent the summer in the cool of our basement, but now it's time for them to be reintroduced to their garden bed.

I have enjoyed working in the garden this week, since the weather has been sunny and just warm enough for a T shirt. I love mucking around in the dirt. I cleaned up some of the perennials. I tagged some so I woudn't forget what they were. I moved some that had grown far too large for the space. Then, as I worked at removing weeds, I dug a little deeper and planted tulip bulbs.... and planted some more.... and some more!

Our guest dogs, Jesse and Clyde, helped me with my chore. They were very careful about dropping the ball into the garden, but not coming in themselves!

Tu- days, and tu-baskets of bulbs later, I am finished. Well, sure, I could plant more. I figure I planted about 120 bulbs and probably have that many left! Hmmm, should I put a stand up at the road with a sign, "FREE Tulip Bulbs!"? Oh, wait, maybe I should do that the next time they need to be dug up and divided!


  1. Sharing flowers is how we use to get more, maybe have a swap.

    I cringe when I see gardeners on tv treating tulips as a throw-away annual.

    My sister layers her tulips with other blooming bulbs(each have a different time) at their own personal depth. It is wonderful when you see new flowers rising through the waste of the last.

  2. Such good dogs! And you too, that sounds like way too much work, but I know you will be thrilled come spring.

  3. No tulips here - those darn varmints eat the bulbs.

  4. My neighbor and I do swaps. Both of use working in greenhouses, we tend to have a lot to swap!!! Sadly tulips aren't something I've had tons of success with. Due to critters.

  5. Sadly tulips are critter candy in some areas! I was warned not to even try them at my old house, unless I wanted to plant them in a wire cage in the ground. Luckily we don't have as many ground critters here... and I hope it stays that way!

  6. I have one tulip... just one and I need to dig it out of where it is. I just forget until it comes up and then I think I will remember to do it in the fall.... NOT!

    You must be doing something right to have so many bulbs.


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