Thursday, November 1, 2012

Dreaming Gets Her Girl

Twenty-seven years ago God brought me a little boy.

Despite the fact that everyone....
I mean everyone,
said he was going to be a she;

I was carrying the baby really high,
The heartbeat was really fast,
The wedding ring moved in circles.

One of the Doctors even bet me a 6-pack of beer
that it was a girl.
Hmmm... I never collected on that,
I wonder if it is too late?

Imagine my surprise when the Doctor delivered my baby

and said, "You have a perfect little...


"A boy?" I said, in disbelief.

But, I loved my boy.

I loved my boy so much, I even had another!

God knew what he was doing when he gave me boys!
I don't do hair ribbons and nail polish and lace very well!

But, now I have my girl...
and I don't have to teach her the girly things!
She came, knowing all of that!

I'd like to introduce you to the bride and groom,

my daughter-in-law and my son,
at the beautiful San Francisco City Hall,

Zoe & Chris,
on the beach in San Francisco.

Wishing you both an 'always' kind of love!


  1. Congratulations to the bride and groom! Sweet post! My doctor wasn't right much either. I think they could just as easily throw some dice and make a guess!

  2. Congratulations to all! The photos are so sweet.

  3. Congrats to all!!!
    My Dr. would verbally say one gender, while writing the other! Sneaky LOL

  4. Classic beauties! Such amazing! Congratuations momma!


  5. Congrats to all! Lovely setting for the wedding..can you share where it was? :)

  6. What a nice post from a proud mama. God brought wonderful sons in 1986..... No wonder they bring wonderful girls. Congrats to all!

  7. Congrats & best wishes to the couple! Nice post, awesome last picture!!

  8. What a sweet post. Your daughter-in-law is blessed with a wonderful mother-in-law.

  9. Zoe and Chris look like a lovely couple. Very happy for all of you and so glad that you could be there for the ceremony. Love Zoe's dress; you have a beautiful new girl in your family.

  10. Zoe and Chris look like a lovely couple. Very happy for all of you and so glad that you could be there for the ceremony. Love Zoe's dress; you have a beautiful new girl in your family.


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