Friday, March 2, 2012


This is my baby. Oh.... he'd hate it if he knew I had posted this.
Shhhhh....don't tell him! 
My baby is now 23.
He's still a cutey!

My baby won a prize in a photo contest.
This was the winning photo:

He won 6 months worth of diapers,
photo processing and 
a $50 gift certificate at a local store. 

But, wait, 
there seems to be a family history of winning photo contests...

This was a winning photo of my sister:

This photo was taken around 1950 - before my time!
My sweet sister
had just licked the beaters after my
mother had made chocolate pudding. 
Yeah... what a mess.
But a cute mess!

I'm thinking my parents were as excited about 
winning a contest with this picture
as I was about winning with my son's picture.

What contests or prizes have you won?

(I was hoping to hear that I'd won the HGTC Dream House!)


  1. I've won no photo contests --- of course, I haven't entered any photo contests. Hummm, I guess one has to be "in to win". Nevertheless, your photos (of both David & Becky) are great!


  2. I won a blog photo contest once...does that count? I am not much of a winner.
    Looks like you did great! Diapers Photos and 50 dollars..that was quite a haul back then! :)

  3. Love both pix. I've never won any photo contests. Have won lots in the breed & agility ring with my canine critters. Lots of fun.

  4. Years ago (my daughter is now 55) I won a local grocery store contest by writing the winning essay about the store. I was 7 months pregnant and the prize was a train trip and hotel stay at Pike's Peak. We went on the trip and it was not exactly comfortable for me but we still had a good time. We lived in Valentine NE at the time.

  5. Cute pictures! I think your sons should carry on the family tradition when they have cute kiddos of their own.

    I won $75.00 from a Kansas City, Missouri radio station when I told a dumb joke on the air during "Worst Joke Wednesday".


What thoughts do you have?

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