Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Where's Dreaming Now?

Dreaming has been on vacation.
Can you figure out where?
Here's a picture to give you a clue
For the next day or so I'll provide one or two!


  1. I need a microscope to view that picture. Seriously.

    Ummmm, someplace flat? With a tilted horizon?

    Snow man looks rather lonely. Or is that the Sandman. It's hard to tell.

    Waiting for the next clue...maybe a little bit bigger perhaps?
    I'm just sayin'. ;)


  2. Sorry about the size of the photo. I took it with my old, old cell phone. Not enoug pixels to make it larger :(

  3. You are at the beach, and you made a Sand-snowman!

  4. hehe! I thought that was part of the teaser....make it small and tougher to guess ;)



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