Saturday, January 22, 2011

Planning a Trip?

Just for fun go to Google maps. 
Click on Directions. 
Enter USA for a starting point and Japan as you destination.
Check out the instructions, especially #31!

Have a wonderful weekend!



    Oh my! Not too sure I'd feel safe doing THAT! lol!

    I just had my hubby pull it up, too. He laughed so hard and almost fell out of his chair.

    He also got a kick out of the necessity of having a translator starting at #47.

    I'll have to show this to my twinling Jem as he is studying Japanese and longs to travel there. I won't suggest he follow the Google Map's instructions, though. haha!


  2. Oh! And hubby had to ask why they had us going out of our way stopping off in Hawaii.

    For provisions?



  3. Hubby told me to tell you to pull up Mexico to USA.

    Can you figure out the first 8 instructions?


    If they can;t use strret signs, maybe they could at least tell you to look for the old tree or a rock. Something.


  4. That is too funny. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm sure some programmer was chuckling about this when he/she put it in!


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