Monday, January 24, 2011

The Project Week 1: Going, Going, Gone

Now that we have returned from our travels it is time to get to work on "The Project".  Several months ago we decided to purchase a foreclosed home. I published a post describing the house and the pros and cons of buying it and living there.

Our work this week included:
  • reinstalling the mailbox
  • moving kitchen appliances (no fridge) to the dining room
  • removing the kitchen faucet and installing it in our current home - we discovered that our previous faucet had been broken while we were away.
  • removing the kitchen counters and all cabinets
  • pulling up the remaining hardwood floor in the kitchen
  • pulling up staples left from the flooring throughout the main floor
  • pulling out remaining finishing nails that were left when base board was removed on the main floor




  1. Don't envy you. Maybe when we gut our kitchen you could come help???

  2. Whew! I get overwhelmed just looking at all the work ahead of you. Sure hope it goes smoothly and quickly.


  3. Lots of hard work but you will have a beautiful kitchen when you are done.


What thoughts do you have?

What is Four?

Have you ever thought of the meaning of "four"?  Four is the number of: seasons in a year. corners and sides to a square. virtues....