Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pippin Rap

I have been having great fun with both of my boys. I think sending Pippin off for training was the answer - for him AND for me! While he was gone I had a chance to focus on Doc and on my riding. I have built up both my muscles AND my confidence. Now I can relax and enjoy my ride instead of constantly worrying about the "what if's". Well, to be honest, some of the worries still sneak in, but they aren't as pervasive as they once were.

Thanks to Mr. Country Cowboy trainer (MCC), I have much more trust in both my horses. MCC keeps brainwashing telling me that Pippin is a good horse. Pippin isn't going to hurt me. Pippin is a lot of fun. Yet, we both know that Pippin is still a striking shade of green and needs lots of time and many different experiences. 

Yesterday we had a brisk morning with more than our typical amount of wind. The average was running about 22 mph. Ugh! I had invited another friend out to ride so I worked both boys in the round pen to settle them a bit. Doc (my 'Whoa go-to kinda guy') actually blew up and bucked and kicked out a few times, and exhibited waaayyyy more energy than is his usual.

While Pippin remained remarkably calm. He did put in one boot scootin' boogie and even my friend noticed it. His relapse reminded me of the rap that my dear friend sent me just after I had posted about Pippin's training. What a perfect summary of Pippin's adventures with MCC!

Pippin - 'in-trainin' Pippin - your dippin' and scootin' - ain't her blame.

Pippin - Pop-in (pop-out) Pippin - She twern't overreactin' to your game.

Pippin - back-cinch-buckin' Pippin - MCC's fixin' to tame your mane.

Pippin' - tie-up-hatin'-fender-hoppin'-halter-slidin'-eye-twinklin'-goose-sniffin'-foot-stompin'-puddle-hoppin'-silly boy Pippin - Your mama cain't wait - to have you home again!

She's right. I'm glad to have Pippin back at home, and I would like to add that after our round pen work we had a nice ride. My friend began working with 'Whoa' and then switched to 'Go'. No dippin' and scootin'. Just a pleasant ride on cute horses!


  1. Fun rap. I want to see Pippin & Doc starring in the music video. Keep up the good work with Pippin. Even with an occasional "bad hair day", he's progressing and you are doing great with him

  2. Hi there, Once Upon! Thanks for the positive, bolstering comments. I appreciate them.


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