Monday, July 5, 2010

National Helmet Awareness Day

Saturday, July 10
National Helmet Awareness Day. 
Spread the word to all of your equestrian friends.

Some retailers and some manufacturers are offering a discount if helmets are purchased on this date.
Now is a good time to get a helmet if you don't already have one!
Now is a perfect time to begin using a helmet every time you ride or drive a horse.
Helmets have saved people's lives, even when doing groundwork.

For me, donning a helmet is just about as automatic as putting on my pants. My early riding years included Pony Club where helmets were required. I once had a nifty helmet that had a deep 2" dent in it where I hit a fence post on a cross country event. What if that had been my head? That dent was a sobering reminder of the importance of wearing a helmet.

For more information visit the riders4helmets site.

Show your support of this cause by sharing the information with your friends and by becoming a fan of the riders4helmets Facebook page.

Take the poll on my page. It's just under Pippin's picture on the right.

Recent blog posts on the subject:

This is Why You Always Wear a Helmet  on Sydney's Bitless Horse blog
Just a Spoonful of Sugar on Once Upon an Equine's blog

If you know of other posts about helmets, or would like to tell about your experiences with or without a helmet, please leave a message! 

The design was created using Wordle. This is a fantastically fun site allowing you to play with words!


  1. When I was in my 20's, way before I had any involvement, I was introduced to a young lady who was in town for a horse show. Her name was Erin. They were working the horses that day, then we were supposed to meet them for happy hour. When I got off work, I went bouncing over to my neighbor's, ready to party. Horse refused a jump, Erin went up and over, landed on her head and was killed instantly.

    That's all it took for me, and that happened 30 years ago. I always wear a helmet.

  2. How tragic and senseless. I'm glad that you always wear a helmet. I hate seeing people not wearing helmets and I always want to scream, "Don't you know what could happen to you?" Your story is exactly what I'm thinking about.

  3. I still get teased by some people because I choose to wear a helmet, but I don't care. More and more of us are wearing them. The goal is never to unintentionally come off our horses, but accidents happen. Even to the most skilled and experienced riders. Better safe than sorry, I say.


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