Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dog Tired

Tucker loves the new house. He has room to roam - no leashes needed! We have a picket fenced back yard, but then beyond that we attached livestock fencing to the closest edge of the pasture fence and the horse paddock area. We added some fencing between the house and the property lines on each side. Tucker probably has about 1/2 - 1/3 of an acre in which to run - free!

This morning he jumped a bunny and had a great run from one end of his space to another. Couldn't catch that wascally wabbit! Then, two deer went bounding by in the pasture. Tucker took chase along the fence line. Suddenly, he heard bounding hooves behind him... there was a buck running through HIS yard. Tucker had another lovely chase - couldn't catch that guy either, drat!

Ah, but now he is having sweet dreams of chasing critters and being master of the place! Time to recharge the batteries!


  1. Awww he's Tuckered out Tucker!

    I always say "A tired dog is a good dog!"

  2. Just you wait, says Tucker, I'll get that rabbit yet!

  3. All tuckered out and happy to be are the ponies, too, I'm sure. I bet they're still munching away in their beautiful new backyard :)


  4. What a great way for Tucker to get his exercise. He's going to be one buff, fit, pooch with all those exercise buddies to keep him motivated.

  5. It's doggie heaven and horsey heaven!

  6. I noticed Lisa said, "beautiful new backyard". Did I miss a move? How could I miss that?

  7. Hey there, I am getting caught up on my blog reading and I had to read outloud to my husband your horse story! So funny. That Pippin' reminds me of one of our dogs! Always doing something and getting in to trouble. I was about ready to give the older dog back to the pound about a month ago. I had my dinner on the table, went in the other room to get the newspaper, came back and my entire dinner was gone, with the last piece of chicken in his mouth! AUGH! But he's getting better and we're keeping him around. Congratulations on your move. And glad you enjoyed my post on digging the well. I actually wasn't going to post all of those pics because I didn't think anyone would really find it interesting, but I started that blog for a journal for us, never really expecting anyone to follow. Funny how things work out. OK - I reckon I've rambled enough..but I just read your last four or five I rolled it all into one comment. Enjoy your new house.

    Cindy Bee


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