Monday, August 7, 2017

I Like to Move It

Welcome to the "I Like to Move It" exercise and weight loss program!

If I made a video to this music it would show me carrying boxes to the right, then carrying boxes to the left, all in time to the music.
I Like to move it, move it. 
Some shots would show me reaching up to shelves to get things off, and then bending down to put them in packing cartons. Repeat. 
I Like to move it, move it.
Climb up the stairs, carrying a box. Climb down the stairs, carrying another. 
I Like to move it, move it.
Pick the box up. Put the box down. Pick up another box. Twist to the right. Lift it high. Put it down. 
I Like to move it, move it.

Getting ready to sell the house and move has had some unintended outcomes. Our belongings are not the only things that have been downsized!

May 27, 2017

July 11, 2017

Since the July pictures I've lost a few more pounds. In total I've lost almost 20 pounds!

But to be honest... I don't like to move it! I am tired of moving it! I HATE to move it. I can't wait until this move is complete!

1 comment:

  1. Moving it works! You are looking great! I hope your inspection list isn't too long :)


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