Friday, August 6, 2010

Heading for a Fall

I received an invitation to a party on Saturday. My friend is calling it the "End of Summer" party. No! It can't be. It's only the first week of August. I refuse to consider that this glorious season is coming to a close. But, as I look around, I'm seeing evidence that supports this statement.
  • Our currents and cherries have ripened and have been picked off by the birds. 
  • There are school buses on the roads in some districts, and in others, teachers are heading back to set up their classrooms and prepare lessons. 
  • There is a bit of color showing on some of the shrubs and trees. 
  • The baby robins have fledged and it's difficult to tell them apart from the adult birds. 
And.....Doc is shedding! I almost cried when I brushed him yesterday releasing clouds of short hairs. Soon these will be replaced by his long, wooly coat. It's nice to know that he's planning ahead and will be warm during our cold, snowy months, but it makes me sad to think about dragging out the heavy coats, boots, gloves, and hats. I guess my friend is right that it's about time to say farewell to summer, but that doesn't mean that I have to like it!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, say it isn't so! My memories of last winter's -15F are still too fresh in my mind.


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